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Virtual Sensors in Medicine 2020: Online

Clinical Diagnosis & Healthcare Monitoring

Sensor technology plays an ever increasing role


Clinical diagnostic medicine and healthcare monitoring are arguably the most important applications of biosensor technology. The Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated both the need for advanced diagnostic sensors as well as the capability of research groups around the world to respond rapidly to this unprecedented need. The 7th Annual Sensors in Medicine 2020 conference will highlight the newest trends in sensor technology, their medical and healthcare applications, and the most recent commercial developments.

Key Technologies:

  • Covid-19 sensors

  • Sensors for molecular diagnosis

  • Paper and linear flow sensors

  • Wearable and implantable sensors

  • Nanotechnology and microfluidics

  • Telehealth sensors


The Conference will take place in virtual space on the afternoons of four days: October 20 - 23, 2020. Invited and contributed presentations: Send brief abstracts to sim20@sensor100.comAcademic, clinical and commercial contributions welcome.

Sponsorship and virtual exhibits are invited: Further information

Posters are invited, particularly from post-graduate students: See Exhibits for more information